Offensive BladesOn the occasion of its 10-years anniversary, the GEWO’s best-selling blade, Force ARC Off, was given a new design. The general composition and feel were, of course, not changed; the balance of the blade, however, was adapted to the increasing weight of state-of-the-art high-performance rubbers.
It combines high-tech materials, carbon and aramide (ARC), with high-end, well-seasoned wood veneers. The carbon fibre provides for high speed and stability, aramide guarantees excellent feel. Experience well-balance hardness and feel. Consistent features almost across the entire surface of the bat thanks to carefully chosen veneers. The stiffness of the blade yields ultimate stability and straightforward pressure in your play.
Our Force ARC premium blade is the perfect choice for speed-oriented topspin players relying on their own attacking from the very first to the final rally. Feel the point-winning precision in all your strokes.
Composition: Koto – Aramid-Carbon – Ayous – Kiri – Ayous – Aramid-Carbon – Koto
Weight: 85 – 90 g